Sunday 5 June 2011

Canyon with marble

On the pic is Republic of Karelia - Ruskeala - a marble canyon. 

Ruskeala is a rural locality under the administrative jurisdiction of the town of Sortavala in the Republic of Karelia Russia.
The Republic of Karelia is situated in the northwest of Russia; it is a part of the Northwest federal district of the Russian Federation. It was founded on June 8, 1920 as the Karelian Labour Commune in territory of former Olonets province. On July 25, 1923 it was transformed into Karelian ASSR, on March 31, 1940 – in Karelian-Finnish SSR. On July 16, 1958 the republic has restored the status of Karelian ASSR, and since November 13, 1991 the republic has its modern name. The area of Karelia is 180,5 thousand square kilometers – this mean 1,06% of the total territory of Russia. Its length from north to south is 660 kilometers, from west to east on the latitude of the town of Kem is 424 kilometers. Karelia borders on Finland in the West, on Leningrad district in the South, on Murmansk and Archangelsk district in the East. In the North-West the Republic is washed by the White Sea. The western border line of Karelia coincides with the state border of the Russian Federation on Finland and its length is 798 kilometers. Distance from the administrative centre of republic, city of Petrozavodsk to Moscow makes 925 kilometers, 703 kilometers to Helsinki 1050 kilometers to Murmansk, and 401 kilometers to Saint Petersburg. 

Marble from this canyon is used in many buildings in Saint Petersburg, for example: Hermitage, Saint Isaac's Cathedral, interior of The Winter Palace.

I like this postcard. For now it is one of the most beautiful cards which I have got. :)

This postcard need 2 weeks to appeared in my mailbox.


  1. Aaaa Normalnie bajera ;)
    Podglądam :D

  2. Cieszę się, że Ci się podoba :)
    Zapraszam - czuj się tu jak u siebie :)
